Cave apparition?

Sometime ago I was interested in seeing if it was possible to gain access to Ludchurch cave, although it has been partly explored, it was over two hundred years ago since two ill-equipped men last stepped foot in it. Since that time all those years ago earth and rocks have built up in the entrance effectively sealing it.

I contacted Dave Nixon who was the person who had managed to break through,after three years of digging,  into the largest cave ever found in this country, with a depth of 459 ft. I explained to him the situation regarding Ludchurch cave which he found intriguing and he asked me to e-mail some photos of the blocked cave entrance, I travelled to Ludchurch and took a series of photos which I sent to him, however due to his new found fame and the fact that he had many commitments the idea of gaining access to Ludchurch cave and exploring it never materialised. However after taking the series of photos and viewing them on my computer I found on the last shot a strange mist that I could not see when I took the photo. Initially I thought it may have been from my breath, but as the camera was digital and did not have a view finder I tend to hold my camera at arms length, so I would have been aware of seeing my breath, also the mist did not show up on any of the other shots. Below is the series of photos, the last one shows the strange shot.

6 Responses to “Cave apparition?”

  1. Hi, Great blog. I run the Roaches website so your blog is very interesting. I did not know there was a cave in Ludchurch. Where exactly is it?

    • Hi Bob, thanks for the comments, the cave is situated at the end of Ludchurch nearest the Roaches, you have to keep to your left before climbing up the steps out of the chasm and you will come to it, unfortunately the cave entrance is now buried under rocks and debris which may have been due to Sir Philip Brocklehurst blasting the entrance with dynamite to stop people entering it many years ago. Regards Gary

  2. Hi! This could be ectoplasm. No doubt there must be some spirits around. Perhaps someone was trapped there at the time the entrance was sealed.

  3. It looks like someone screaming

  4. I took photos in Luds church ravine in 2007.
    When I looked at them at home, one was covered in mist that had not been in the ravine and wasn’t on any of the other photos.
    In the mist was a face.

  5. Great blog. I repeatedly dreamed about Lud’s church before I ever set foot there or indeed knew what it was! I went there for the first time this year. Would have liked to have dowsed and got a bit more of a feel for the area but there were too many tourists! I wonder whether Lud isn’t entirely linked to the Luddites? Older perhaps?

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