The Witches of Bakewell.

The story of the Bakewell Witches is a fascinating one, with many myths and legends surrounding it. In the 17th century, two women from Bakewell were accused of witchcraft by a man who had been lodging with them. The man claimed that he had seen the women performing strange rituals and casting spells. The women were arrested and put on trial, where they were found guilty and sentenced to death.

One of the most interesting myths surrounding the Bakewell witches is that they had the power to turn themselves into hares. According to legend, the women would transform into hares at night and run through the fields, causing chaos and destruction wherever they went.

Another myth is that the witches had a magical cauldron that could produce an endless supply of food. It was said that the women would use this cauldron to feed the poor and needy in their community.

Despite these myths, there is little evidence to suggest that the Bakewell witches were anything other than innocent victims of a witch hunt. In fact, recent research has suggested that the accusations against them were based on little more than hearsay and superstition.

After the two women from Bakewell were found guilty of witchcraft, they were sentenced to death. Unfortunately, there is little information available about what happened to them after their sentencing. It is believed they were executed, but the exact details of their fate are unknown.