Solomon’s Hollow

The Staffordshire Moorlands do not give up their secrets easily, sometimes it takes years to gain answers to certain questions. One such question I have been unable to find the answer to until quite recently has been the meaning of the place name “Solomon’s Hollow” which is found on the Leek to Buxton road just on the outskirts of Leek.

Solomon’s Hollow.

The strange dip in the road which incorporates a long S shaped bend has long been an accident black spot which has borne witness to many fatalities. For a long time I have been under the false impression that the name Solomon’s Hollow referred to the fact that a wise man was supposed to have lived at this spot some time in the past. In the bible King Solomon was famed for his great wisdom , however this explanation is inaccurate.

It transpires that this location aquired its name Solomon’s Hollow because a man named Solomon Ash owned this land during the last century, unfortunately although this explanation is true it is far less colourful than the previous explanation! It is believed however that many years ago a murder did take place here where the road crosses the river Churnet, perhaps this has something to do with it being an accident black spot?

The river Churnet as it flows under the road at Solomon’s Hollow.

5 Responses to “Solomon’s Hollow”

  1. Ooooooh,… such fun information! Great pics!

  2. Been trying to find the background to Solomon’s Hollow for years. Thank you.

  3. Hi, Thank you for the information on Solomon’s Hollow. I always thought it was Devil’s Hollow. I am a member of two writing groups and am now writing stories of my youth, one features that dip, when my friend and I cycled to Buxton in February, We were both 18 and students in 1958. The two of us often hiked around that beautiful area, it’s a favourite place. Thank again.

  4. Solomon Ash is my gggg-grandfather and I was pleased to find out this fact about him – next time I’m on the road (and as the Ashes lived in Meerbrook and Leek I’m sure I’ll pass that way again on family history research) I will lay claim to this stretch of road:

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