Madeley Old Hall.

In the village of Madeley which can be found in the county of Staffordshire, and opposite the large village pond can be found a large black and white half timbered building known as Madeley Old Hall.

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It is claimed that after the battle of Blore Heath Queen Margaret of Anjou made her escape on horseback from Mucklestone church. She acheived this by getting the local blacksmith to reverse the horseshoes on her horse and was able to evade her pursuers. While making her way to Eccleshall it is said that she stopped overnight in Madeley Old Hall.

Back in that day and age the house became famous to a certain extent because of the Royal visit. It is said that passers by would stop and take the time to look at the house which got under the skin of the owner at that time. He got so fed up that in the 17th century  he had an inscription carved into the woodwork on the front of the house, which reads” 16 Wallk k nave what look est at 47. ISB. Which it is said is supposed to mock the people who stop to gawp at the house.

Another theory is that the inscription is to fool Parliamentarians into believing that they were loyal when in fact they were Royalists.

It seems that in this day and age more of a welcome can be found at this beautiful house, as it now boasts five star accomodation and more details regarding this can be found at their website at:

On a final note according to the Old Hall website some people who have stayed in the Queen Margaret room claim to have seen the veiled figure of a woman at the window.

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